At Freedom, we view the giving of our finances to the local church as an act of worship. We serve a generous God, and growing in our relationship with Him means realizing that our time, talent, and treasure all come from Him. Through the constant generosity and obedience of so many, we are able to continue to reach more and more people not just through our weekly services, but also through the incredible organizations that we support throughout our community, country, and world.
Financial giving can be divided into two categories - tithes and offerings. The Bible teaches us that we worship the Lord with our tithe, which is the act of returning 10% of our income to the church on a regular basis. We also believe that God calls us to give over and above our tithe as an offering.
You can give your tithes and offerings by filling out and turning in the envelope that you receive as you walk into the auditorium each Sunday, or through our online giving system.
You make a difference in the lives of thousands of people from right here in Lebanon, to the far corners of the world.
10% of every dollar is used to support local, national, and international missions and outreach efforts.