109 WEST Main Street | Lebanon
109 WEST Main Street | Lebanon
Pray for the purchase and building process, for the finances, and for wisdom as we navigate this. Also, ask God specifically what He would have you do to be a part of this!
If you want to financially partner with us to help make this a reality, click here to give online. You can also give via check or cash by putting an offering envelope marked “Oaks on Main” in one of the drop-boxes in the café and auditorium.
Spread the word and let people know what’s coming to the heart of Lebanon.
Several years ago, we began getting a vision of what it would look like to live out Isaiah 61, a passage of scripture that talks about us becoming oaks of righteousness. We believe this paints a clear picture of God’s Kingdom - strong and stable, providing shade, and expanding like branches reaching out over our community.
As we have continued to give ourselves to seeing more of that vision become a reality, three years ago, God spoke clearly to our lead pastors about the footprint of Freedom Church expanding. We believe this space, Oaks on Main, is the fruition of that promise.
Oaks on Main is a place where life can happen. It’s a coffee shop on the first floor and an open venue on the second. It’s a place where anyone in the community can have an important business meeting or an impromptu coffee with a friend. It’s a place where we can share our milestones in life with those we love. And it’s a place where honest conversations about life’s big questions can happen in a neutral space that people are comfortable going to.
Most importantly, it’s a place operated by God’s people and with His Kingdom values. It’s a place where people can experience the oaks of righteousness.
“They will be called oaks of
righteousness, a planting
of the Lord for the display
of his splendor”
Isaiah 61
“They will be called oaks of
righteousness, a planting
of the Lord for the display
of his splendor”
Isaiah 61